Red state

What Was That About a Deep State? Check Out These Plans to Deal With Trump If He Wins – RedState

Joe Biden and the Democrats truly take the cake. 

Biden is down in the polls to former President Donald Trump, who is the leading GOP candidate. So they’re doing all they can to play up the “threat to democracy” from Trump. Now I have no doubt whoever was leading would immediately become “Hitler” to them, because that’s how they do things. That’s their only play, given Biden has such a horrible record. He has no real accomplishments on which to run. 

According to an NBC report, the powers that be are already trying to work to put Trump in check. People talk about the deep state. Check out what they’re saying here, it’s something else. They’re worried that Trump may win so the unelected people want to thwart how the elected representative of the people might exercise his power. 

Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and…

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