News Busters

When ‘Gender Neutral’ Isn’t Progressive Enough & Watching The Left F**k Themselves

Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak! 

This week we heard from one parent (we can’t tell or say whether it was a mother or father) about how even raising your kids “gender neutral” isn’t progressive enough as it creates nonbinary kids. But, apparently non-binary is still too binary and kids instead should be raised “gender less” in order to try out various genders at a time.

We also learned that some claim God is nonbinary … and apparently transgender, black, Asian, differently abled, and gay. We also learned that “we” are God. 

Next up was a clip that featured climate activists pouring oil and chemicals on the ground to protest pollution. Yes, that was as dumb as it seemed. 

We also saw a woman dance barefoot at the airport to get the attendees attention and even saw a emulate what it means to f**k yourself.


That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left!

Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak! 

This week we heard from one parent (we can’t tell or say whether it was a mother or father) about how even raising your kids “gender neutral” isn’t progressive enough as it creates nonbinary kids. But, apparently non-binary is still too binary and kids instead should be raised “gender less” in order to try out various genders at a time.

We also learned that some claim God is nonbinary … and apparently transgender, black, Asian, differently abled, and gay. We also learned that “we” are God. 

Next up was a clip that featured climate activists pouring oil and chemicals on the ground to protest pollution. Yes, that was as dumb as it seemed. 

We also saw a woman dance barefoot at the airport to get the attendees attention and even saw a emulate what it means to f**k yourself.


That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left! 

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