Hot Air

When ‘Green’ Hits the Beaches of Martha’s Vineyard – HotAir


This is a red alert now, ladies and germs.

The pristine, rarified sand of Martha’s Vineyard, MA – so recently defiled by Ron DeSantis’s anti-illegal immigrant grandstanding, but just as swiftly swept away – is under assault again. This time, from a foe the inhabitants are all in favor of – like illegals – as long as it’s located somewhere else and their precious island remains uncontaminated by the sight and sound of them – again oddly enough, how residents treat illegals.

Just two short days ago, I told you all about a massive wind turbine off the coast of Nantucket upon which one of its brand-new second set of three yet-to-be-operational blades had failed catastrophically.

…A closer view of the turbine captured by a New Bedford fisherman named Anthony Seiger shows the blade might be mostly “intact,” but holy crap. It’s so completely delaminated it looks like a football…

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