A new MRC study by Bill D’Agostino found that of 337 Biden-scandal questions asked of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in the second half of 2023, only eight (2.38 percent) drew an answer instead of a maddening deferral or a blatant refusal to answer.
Bill joins the show to discuss the consistency of KJP’s stonewalling, and his generous definition of an actual answer. His eight answers included lame defenses of Biden: “I’m just going to quote him and say, ‘It’s malarkey.’” But that’s an actual attempt at rebuttal, instead of endlessly referring all inquiries to the White House Counsel’s office, which also wasn’t answering.
The answer was meant to be a dead end, so you’d avoid that street. Or you received preposterous claims in response to softball questions, like “The Department of Justice is independent.”
About two-thirds of the…