Hot Air

When the State Engineers Families, Family Structure Eventually Breaks Apart – HotAir

I’m pretty sure you think, “Oh, here comes a lecture about Democrats and the War on Poverty.” 

You’re safe – I’ll be sparing you that. Instead, it’s a look at what China’s done to themselves.

Their current tenuous state of affairs started with worries about overpopulation – and they have never been able to feed themselves, so a legitimate concern – and, now, decades later chickens coming home to roost thanks to policies enacted, like “One Child.”

China’s getting older rapidly and just waking up to the fact that they don’t have enough people to replace themselves.

When you’re a country bent on world domination, that’s a calculus guaranteed to jack with your plans.

China’s baby bust is happening faster than many expected, raising fears of a demographic collapse. And coping with the fallout may now be complicated by miscalculations made more than 40 years ago.

The rapid shift under…

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