Red state

Whether You’re Pro- or Anti-Trump, Don’t Get Your Hopes Up – RedState

It all officially begins today. 

In the frozen tundra of Iowa, caucus-goers are gathering as the rest of the country looks on. It’s a big deal for political junkies, but also for the future of each party – especially the Republican Party.

Depending on who you talk to, there is a sincere belief that their side is going to come out ahead. The Trump camp believes they have it in the bag, and it’s hard not to. All the public polling shows Trump with a huge lead in Iowa. The worst polling for the former president, the Des Moines Register/NBC News poll that dropped on Saturday, shows Trump at 48 percent. It’s the only recent poll to have him below a majority of voters, but still way ahead of the rest of the pack.

READ MORE: IOWA POLL: Trump Falls Below 50 Percent, Haley Moves to Second Place

If you talk to the DeSantis camp, they believe that his march through every county in the state and…

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