News Busters

Whoopi Tees up Fauci to Call Opponents ‘Bastards’

After teasing it was a while ago, ABC’s The View finally had Dr. Anthony Fauci on the show to help him hawk his new book. The much-reviled public health official received copious amounts of praise from the liberal ladies and no questions about how the policies he pushed harmed a generation of children and infringed on individual liberties. Instead, he got a platform to lash out at those who opposed him, calling them “bastards.”

Moderator Whoopi Goldberg led off the questioning, teeing him up to attack those looking to hold abusive government bureaucrats to account. “You say empathy has always guided you as a physician and a public servant but there’s also a Latin phrase that has consistently come up for you…” she said.

Recalling his high school education, Fauci took a swipe at his critics: “And one of the things that they mentioned to us when…

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