News Busters

Whoopi Whines Young People Don’t Protest Anymore, ‘We Were Forced’

Four years after the Black Lives Matter Riots and just a couple of months after the pro-Hamas/anti-Semitic encampments on college campuses and the death threats to Congress over the possible ban of TikTok, ABC moderator Whoopi Goldberg took to Wednesday’s edition of The View to whine that young people supposedly don’t protest and “stand for stuff” like how she was “forced to do.”

Their conversation was spurred on by former President Obama expressing that his daughters had no interest in getting into politics; a bit of news that gave The View the sads. “So, as funny as that is, it’s also really sad. Does that mean that politics have gotten so nasty that young people don’t want to go into it?” Goldberg lamented.

“It is nasty. I miss Obama, though. I see him and I want him back,” co-host Joy Behar bemoaned. “That whole lie that went around…

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