Hot Air

Who's On Offense, and Who's On Defense?

It’s a funny thing about Kamala Harris’ ever-evolving daily schedule. She’s apparently headed to the Border. It’s amazing what a Trump +5 New York Times/Siena poll in Arizona will do to her campaign’s motivation to stop the bleeding the immigration issue is causing to her presidential ambitions.In addition to the sudden border trip, Harris is reportedly expected to do a sit-down interview with Wisconsin Public Radio, because apparently, she’s concerned about underperforming in the Badger State compared to Joe Biden in 2020, and needs to convince more of her Democratic base to turn out. And a little later in the week, Harris is reportedly going to attempt another economic vision speech. Harris’ campaign, although flush with cash, is madly attempting to plug holes in the dike, but they do not have enough fingers and toes to stop the leaks breaking out everywhere. It’s getting bad…

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