In just over a week from today, we will know who the next President of the United States is going to be. Or maybe it’ll be more like two weeks from today. Or two months. Or, it could be at exactly 2:00am on Wednesday morning when a bunch of ballots for Kamala Harris materialize magically out of the ether. It’s very difficult to predict. But one way or another, some time in the not too distant future, we will have a new president. That much we know.
We also know that, no matter what happens on November 5 — and the days and weeks that follow — the fight for our culture will continue. Hopefully we will be marching forward with a victorious spirit and a feeling of triumph, having just defeated Kamala Harris and having sent her to fade into obscurity to never again be spoken of. Because we can be sure that if she loses, the Democrat Party will throw Kamala and her whole camp into…