Red state

Why Isn’t the Democrat Party Interested in How Alaska’s Mary Peltola Accumulated 176 Long Guns? – RedState

Alaska’s a state with a lot of gun owners, if you will allow me to belabor the obvious for a moment. Even Democrat politicians here try (with varying degrees of success) to finesse their positions on gun laws, as it’s as sure as shooting (hah) that advocacy for gun control means electoral oblivion over most of the Great Land.

Even our at-large Congresswoman, Mary Peltola, has tried finessing her way around this issue. Even though she gets the intent of the Second Amendment horribly wrong, she managed enough finesse to fool the NRA into giving her an “A” rating – a few short years after awarding her a “D.”

See Related: NRA Steps on a Rake: Endorses Alaska Democrat Mary Peltola, Earns ‘F’ From Alaskan Gun Owners

But let’s set the NRA’s cluster foul-up aside for the moment. Mary Peltola also recently made an interesting claim: That she owns no fewer than 176 long guns.

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