News Busters

Will ABC’s Debate Moderators Be Moderate? At All?

The big presidential debate on Tuesday night on ABC News will be moderated by World News Tonight anchor David Muir and their Sunday-night news anchor Linsey Davis. A review of their biased moments suggests they are going to tilt in favor of Kamala Harris making “history.” Davis has repeatedly suggested Trump might be a “racist” and “white supremacist.” 

Director of Media Analysis Geoff Dickens joins the show to preview what we might see. Muir has uncorked some gassy passages about the “right to choose” death for the unborn.  In several questions, Davis has pushed election denial as she asked sympathetic questions to Democrats Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton.

Every time the Republicans accept a debate with “mainistream media” moderators they are agreeing to a disadvantage. But in this cycle, it seems like the only way to get Democrats flushed out of their…

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