Hot Air

Will Another Hoax Be Revealed? 14 Minneapolis Police Officers Claim MPD Chief Lied During Trial – HotAir

I, along with millions of other people, do not doubt that Minneapolis Policeman Derek Chauvin was railroaded during his trial over the death of George Floyd. 

While I believe that the overwhelming evidence shows that Floyd died of a meth-induced heart attack and that he was innocent of the charges, I don’t dispute that the jury had a right to find differently or that they may have reached that conclusion based on the evidence and arguments put before them. 

The trial itself, on the other hand, was decided based on a pack of lies pushed by the prosecution. It’s clear that high-level Minneapolis police officials committed perjury and got away with it. 

I came to this conclusion after watching the much-criticized and “fact-checked” documentary The Fall of Minneapolis by Liz Collin (well worth the watch!). While critics claim that it was full of lies, those…

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