There are protected classes, and then there are protected classes.
One of the first tells that a person feels they belong to a special group who deserve privileges not normally afforded to the peasants milling in everyday life around their feet occurs when questions arise concerning something that same person allegedly either did or said.
A “something” has taken place which, for whatever reason, has caused people to look in a certain direction for answers to any one – or all – of the who, why, how, what, etc. interrogatives. Or simply looking for clarification.
Oftentimes, the answer is simple, direct, and to the point. “Yes, I did,” “No, I didn’t,” or “I’ve never heard of that. Why would you think I had,” which is a perfectly legitimate response. Clarity and honesty, after all, are two-way streets.
What’s been happening more and more lately is that an answer that might not be…