Hot Air

Will the Sierra Club Apologize If the Lights Go Out in Baltimore? – HotAir

Frankly, there’s little that would be scarier that comes to mind, Baltimore being what it is in broad daylight. But a dark Baltimore not weather induced, but blacked out purely by a climate cult settlement?

Ho, boy. That would raise some hackles. Or at least you’d think it would.

There’s a more insidious, creeping trend across the United States that’s been under the radar for the most part, although California and Texas have been the canaries in the coal mine. I touched on it a bit last January, when Duke Energy was crawling on its corporate belly apologizing for massive outages across their service area.

…You would think with the numbers of people migrating into warmer, friendly southern states, the utilities would be keeping abreast of current events and adding additional power resources for all the gadgets they’ve written rebate checks for, no?


…In Tennessee,…

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