Red state

Will Trump’s Executive Order Killing Green New Deal Hurt Michigan Going Forward? – RedState

We are now fully into day three of Donald Trump and the 47th presidency and the effects are being felt immediately but also, hopefully, long-term. One way for any president to be able to have an effect right off the bat is through the issuance of executive orders, which is a popular way of sidestepping Congress. I have some thoughts on that which I will share in a later post about the pros and cons of this.

However, one of the things that Donald Trump did do on Monday was to kill funding for the Green New Deal, which was part of the garbage bills that Joe Biden was able to sign via the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. Both of these acts were massive federal government spending boondoggles and should have never seen the light of day.

Seeing as I live in the state of Michigan, which is the birthplace and home…

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