The city of Madison, Wisconsin, appears to have found a rather creative way to use its allotment of COVID-19 funds. The local government has reportedly been funneling the money to illegal immigrants and asylum seekers, a move that is expressly forbidden in the American Rescue Plan.
Republican State Sen. Duey Stroebel sounded the alarm on the misuse of funds and is currently seeking answers from the city’s leadership.
Wisconsin state Senator Duey Stroebel, R-Cederberg, sounded the alarm Thursday after learning of a decision in the state’s capital to aid migrants with pandemic relief funds.
The City of Madison, State Sen. Stroebel wrote in a press release, is diverting State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to aid asylum seekers arriving in the city. These funds were issued through the American Rescue Plan to help state and local governments through the COVID-19…