Red state

Wisconsin Governor Causes Mass Confusion While Shamefully Vetoing Bill Protecting Girls’ Sports – RedState

Gov. Tony Evers of Wisconsin surrounded himself with “transgender” activists on Tuesday to veto a bill meant to protect girls’ sports. While doing so, he offered the perfect illustration of how nonsensical the ideology he’s pushing is. 

The bill in question would have based a student’s participation in school athletics on their actual gender instead of whatever gender they claim to “identify” with. That was apparently a bridge too far for the Democrat governor and his cohorts, and now boys who claim to be girls will be able to compete against biological girls. 

RELATED: WH Stomps on Girls’ Rights With Orwellian Remark About Competing With Trans Athletes

There’s ample evidence of exactly how that will play out, from stolen opportunities to injuries. The far left doesn’t care, though. They have decided that affirming mental illness overrides any concern for the wellbeing of…

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