Joe Biden simply cannot believe that Donald Trump is actually poised to win the 2024 election.
But here’s the reality by the polling data: Donald Trump is poised to win the 2024 election. Trump has a lead over Biden. Every poll except for one in the last couple months has Trump up pretty solidly.
If Trump wins the popular vote for the first time since a Republican won the popular vote in 2004, he’s going to win the election. It’s that simple. He came close to winning the election in 2020, even though he lost the popular vote by seven million votes.
Trump is leading big in states he lost last time, particularly in states like Georgia. He’s running dead even in Wisconsin. He’s running well ahead in Michigan and Ohio, the latter of which used to be a swing state.
A new CNN poll shows that Biden’s job approval rating is standing at 38%. He’s underwater with everyone.
So his…