Hot Air

With Two Weeks to Go, Kamala’s Edge Has Evaporated – HotAir

The Kamala Harris basement campaign seemed to be working for a while. Lots of Democrats were understandably excited to be getting rid of aging Joe Biden as their standard-bearer. And a carefully choreographed rollout of Harris, then Walz gave them weeks of positive news to build on. But about 3-4 weeks ago the air started going out of the balloon. 

The national media started noticing that Harris had decided to sidestep them in favor of radio interviews (where she could read from her notes) or local swing-state interviews which were unlikely to make national news if she got herself in trouble. The Harris campaign was clearly trying to run out the clock but you almost feel that it wasn’t working. They were risking letting Trump climb back into the race.

Jump forward to today and with just two weeks left to go, most polls show things have been drifting toward Trump nationally. The…

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