Hot Air

‘Woke’ People More Likely to Be Anxious and Depressed – HotAir

A new study out of Finland set about creating a psychological assessment to identify those with woke beliefs. The study also found that those who hold such beliefs are more likely to report being anxious or depressed. Here’s how the study’s author, Oskari Lahtinen, described her own research.

“While critical social justice (or intersectional or ‘woke’) discourse draws mainly from dynamics within American society it has now surfaced in other Western countries as well. The arrival of a critical social justice (often called ‘woke’) discourse sparked much debate in Finnish media in the last couple of years.”

“This debate was largely data-free and it could thus be considered a worthwhile question to study how prevalent these attitudes are. No reliable and valid instrument existed prior to the study to assess the extent and prevalence of these attitudes in different…

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