Hot Air

Woketopia, Massachusetts, Where the Left Eats Its Own – HotAir

This week the New Yorker published a lengthy story about the meltdown taking place at a Middle School in Amherst, Massachusetts. Amherst is described as a town where there are more BLM signs than there are black people. The city is 70% white and about 12% black and Hispanic, but the public schools have a higher percentage of minorities because many well off white and Asian families send their kids to private schools. 

Ben Herrington, a former member of the school committee at Amherst Regional Middle School (ARMS) said of Amherst, “Amherst is a town that loves to bill itself as being a woketopia. We have this Berkeley East persona that we put out. We aren’t really like that, though.”

Actually, it sounds to me like they are really like that, at least many of the white people in town are. But the black and Hispanic kids and adults seem to be part of an earlier edition of…

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