Woman Who Will Always Be Remembered for Losing to Donald Trump Has Advice for Joe Biden – RedState
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Woman Who Will Always Be Remembered for Losing to Donald Trump Has Advice for Joe Biden – RedState

As we are in a presidential election cycle, and as Donald Trump is one of the candidates involved in the aforementioned cycle, it is naturally time for Hillary Clinton to brush off the cobwebs and say a bunch of words about taking on Donald Trump and saving the country from a man she lost to in 2016.

The former First Lady and Secretary of State is largely responsible for us becoming a country whose history books can say “President Donald Trump” in future editions. But, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have advice for Joe Biden, who is taking on Trump for the second time this year. She is releasing a book soon, and she is also writing op-eds in the New York Times, giving advice to Joe Biden.

It bears repeating: Hillary Clinton, who lost to Donald Trump in 2016, has advice for Joe Biden, who is the only person to have beaten Donald Trump in an election.

“He starts with nonsense and then…

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