A recent poll showed President Joe Biden leading former President Donald Trump 50-44 and CBS’s Stephen Colbert could hardly contain his excitement. On Thursday’s The Late Show, Colbert claimed the reason for the numbers was because women know that Biden is the only thing preventing the Supreme Court from “putting a go-pro in their uterus.” Colbert would also later claim the country was and is a racist one and anyone who thinks otherwise has less than a whole brain.
Colbert began the show by noticing how similar 2024 is to 2020. First the Kansas City Chiefs are playing the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl and “Unless something crazy happens, it’s Trump v. Biden and Trump’s been leading in a lot of polls, but today in a new Quinnipiac poll, Biden has leapt out to lead Trump 50-44. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God, some good news in…