Women Voters are Abandoning Biden, Losing Steam with Black Voters – HotAir
Hot Air

Women Voters are Abandoning Biden, Losing Steam with Black Voters – HotAir

For the last twenty years, Democrat presidential candidates have counted on women voters to win elections. This election is proving to be different because President Biden is losing the support of women voters.

Women are not single-issue voters. The Biden campaign is making a mistake by concentrating on abortion as the top reason to vote for Biden’s re-election. It’s fine by me that the campaign continues to go down that road because I’m not a Biden voter. I want Biden to lose in November. I want Biden’s loss to be big enough that former President Trump wins with a mandate to carry out his campaign promises. 

Only a small percentage of women place abortion as their top issue. KFF, a nonprofit organization that focuses on healthcare research, has poll results that are not good for Team Biden. Biden is losing steam with women and with black voters, two key constituencies in his 2020…

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