Hot Air

WPATH Implosion? – HotAir

Well, if this turns out to be real it will be an earthquake in the cultural and medical landscape in the United States. 

WPATH’s Board of Directors apparently met last night–no results of that meeting have yet to be released–and their website was taken down and replaced with one from 2019

The latest “Standards of Care,” which promoted child gender transitions, has been taken down and replaced with the previous version, and references to the current president of the organization Marci Bowers have disappeared.

This appears to be in response to the dramatic revelations in what has been dubbed “The WPATH Files” released by Michael Shellenberger, in which the hollowness of the claims made by “gender-affirming care” professionals was definitively proven. 

I wrote about the WPATH Files when they were released, and the most striking thing about them was not the admissions that WPATH…

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