If you weren’t aware, there is a spike in COVID-19 cases around the country. It’s all over the place. Part of it is the return to schools, part of it is that it’s really warm in parts of the country, so we’re staying together indoors more, and part of it is that it’s a communicable disease that isn’t going anywhere.
Every flu season, we get flu vaccines. Those vaccines are developed based on predictions of what the strain of flu is most prevalent that season. We don’t worry about flu season because we as a society have internalized that it comes as we have taken preparations.
There is no more COVID-19 pandemic. It isn’t some major outbreak that is killing a ton of people. We get sick, we go through (largely unproblematic) symptoms, we get better. It isn’t the flu, but at this point, the pattern is very flu-like. It is serious for some people, but not nearly as many as it was in the…