Red state

Yet Another CA Democrat Caught Downplaying His Radicalism, Embellishing Prosecutorial Experience – RedState

It’s clear that for the Democrat party the unified message they’re attempting to put out this election cycle is that they are the party of law-and-order, they support the military, and that their candidates are pragmatic and simply seek to bring unity and common sense to a divided and chaotic country instead of the radical leftists we know many of them to be. From Kamala Harris on down, that’s the image, and if the candidate is a lawyer and they can claim that candidate is an attorney who ever worked as a prosecutor they’ll claim that candidate is the most hard-nosed prosecutor you’ve ever seen.

Usually, though, it’s not that difficult to find ways to get behind that carefully curated facade.

Congressional candidate Will Rollins, who’s running in a purple district in southern California, is one such example. Like Harris, he’s using a tough-on-crime prosecutor persona and references…

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