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Yet Another Kamala Failure As Memo Shows 30% of Security Cameras on Southern Border Are Broken – RedState

Kamala Harris keeps trying to run away from her abysmal performance as the Biden administration’s border czar, but facts are stubborn things. Take, for instance, the fact that 30% of the cameras that are part of the Customs and Border Patrol’s (CBP) Remote Video Surveillance System are broken. In other words, significant portions of the southern border are invisible to CBP agents, resulting in untold numbers of “gotaways” disappearing into the United States without being vetted or tracked.

This information comes straight from an internal CBP memo, so it can’t be dismissed as simply campaign fodder or ginned-up controversy. NBC News got their hands on the memo, which was distributed earlier in October “to a sector of agents along the southern border.” Per NBC News, 150 of 500 cameras monitoring the southern border are inoperable:

“The nationwide issue is having significant impacts…

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