Hot Air

Yikes. You can now create an AI clone of yourself

We’ve spent plenty of time here diving into the possibilities and potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence chatbots like ChatGPT and others. But there are other types of AI emerging on the market that do much more than generate realistic, “human-sounding” text. Other systems allow users to input video and still images to create alarmingly real-looking “deep fake” videos. Audio options are available as well, allowing the AI to imitate pretty much anyone’s voice after being trained with enough samples. So I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone decided to combine them all together and create a virtual person. The “somebody” in question turned out to be Wall Street Journal columnist Joanna Stern. She built a clone of herself that could participate in phone calls and video conferences. And then she decided to trick her family, her friends, and even her bank to see if they could detect the fakery. And the frightening part is that it worked, at least for a while. (Subscription required)Read More 

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  1. Jessiet says:

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