Hot Air

You Don’t Need a ‘Doomsday Clock’ When Every Day Is Doomsday – HotAir

Ever since 1947, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has maintained a ritual of updating their famous “Doomsday Clock” each year, supposedly indicating how close mankind is to wiping itself out. Let year they set the clock at 90 seconds. This year they left it there. Assuming you put any stock in such things, you might be tempted to take that as some partially good news. Sure, we’re on the verge of societal extinction, but at least it’s no worse than last year. Of course, last year wasn’t much to brag about either. However, this schtick feels like it’s long since grown old and I’m not sure how many people really take it seriously anymore. With that said, it’s hard to argue that the world is in pretty bad shape at the moment and there are multiple disasters unfolding that could blow up in our faces both figuratively and literally. (AP)

Earth, for the second year…

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