Hot Air

You REALLY Don’t Hate Them Enough… – HotAir

As Ed wrote earlier today, we got the sad news that Senator James Inhofe passed away. 

I have always liked the Senator, although, unlike Ed, I have never met or spoken to him in person. He was an old-school Senator, and by that, I just mean he spoke the truth as he saw it. 

Come to think of it, that isn’t old-school, just unusual. Politicians are usually gutless cowards who lie for their own benefit. 

I first saw the news on Twitter and was struck (as many others were) by how the mainstream media broke it. The headlines were a great reminder that no matter how much you hate the media you aren’t nearly at the level of hate you should be. 

First, let’s look at how the media reported the death of one of the worst human beings to have walked the Earth.

The man was the leader of ISIS, one of the most disgusting terrorist groups ever. It enslaved people, murdered with abandon, used women…

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