Red state

You Want Fair Elections? Honestly? – RedState

Not until we develop a vaccine that either prevents politicians from lying or allows people to know a lie when they hear, it will our elections ever be fair or honest.

Most politicians, not all, are by their nature disingenuous and, at the very least, hyperbolic, with a propensity for massaging the truth and the inconvenient facts to help serve their preferred political narratives. Is utilizing such tactics to manifest the election results you are seeking, honest? Or fair? You can decide for yourself. Ok fine, the no-good rotten bastards are lying sacks of cow dung.

However, with respect to elections being fair, let me say that fairness is in the eye of the beholder. Is it fair that some voters receive special treatment and favor from city and county elections divisions, which frequently increase turnout in particular areas or among certain demographics in the community?

Do you…

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