Red state

Youngkin Calls DOJ’s Lawsuits vs. States Clearing Non-Citizens’ Names From Voter Rolls ‘Unprecedented’ – RedState

During this election cycle, we’ve written about the Biden-Harris Justice Department’s heavy-handed moves against states trying to shore up election integrity before the November elections. You’ll find several examples below (on Florida and Alabama) but most recently, my colleague Bob Hoge wrote about the DOJ suing Virginia over its attempts to clean up its voter rolls–by removing non-citizens’ names:

Our DOJ at Work: Department Sues Virginia for Daring to Do Their Jobs on Election Integrity

BETRAYAL: Harris/Biden Admin Fighting Attempts to Remove Noncitizens From Voter Registries

The Right Way: Gov. Ron DeSantis Explains How Florida Handles Election Integrity

Unsurprisingly, the legacy media has tried, and in one case failed, to help out its pals with friendly coverage.

HUH? NBC Runs Report Demonizing GOP Claims That Illegal Aliens Vote, Then… Admits Illegal Aliens Vote


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