News Busters

Your Economic Messaging Isn’t Working, Keep Doing It

In New York Times columnist Paul Krugman’s latest Bidenomics propaganda piece, he reveals the extent of his delusional state when he actually characterized the president’s economy as a “success.” 

Krugman published a June 3 op-ed fawning over the Biden economy headlined, “Should Biden Downplay His Own Success.” For most of the article, Krugman continues his classic pattern of ignoring inconvenient facts and rebuking struggling Americans as whiners. But when Krugman once again complained about the American public persistently giving President Joe Biden low marks on the economy, he offered the president some wildly illogical advice.  Krugman’s big advice for Biden is to double-down on the same economic messaging that apparently isn’t reaching the average American in polls. 

Krugman wrote, “So how should Biden and his people talk…

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