Hot Air

Youthanasia? Canada Province Supplies Fentanyl to Minors Without Parental Consent – HotAir

Old and busted: Euthanasia. New Canadian hotness: Youthanasia. Canada appears to lead the world in finding new ways to kill off pateints through its health-care system, but this may be its most cynical ‘innovation’ yet.

A few days ago, the National Post reported that British Columbia’s provincial government had quietly approved a plan to supply minors with fentanyl without parental consent. Supposedly, the provision of “safe” fentanyl tablets would allow children to get addicted in a slightly less-lethal manner, or something:

In what constitutes a clear trampling of parental rights, British Columbia recently authorized the provision of “safer supply” fentanyl to youth across the province, regardless if parents are informed of, or agree to, this measure.

The provincial government has provided limited access to safer supply fentanyl since at least 2020, primarily…

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