Go to YouTube search and type in “Xi.” The autofill will most likely, and conveniently, reveal “Xi Jinping” for your easy-to-find search term. However, if you type in “Jordan,” the YouTube autofill will likely reveal the last names of Poole, Klepper, Love, Belfort, Lacey, and Davis. Does a certain last name appear to be missing from the list? Perhaps the best-known psychologist in the world? By now, most of you have probably guessed the identity that YouTube autofill dares not speak his name: Jordan Peterson.
Welcome to yet another pathetic YouTube censorship attempt in a year that contained an election that the social media giants were once again trying to “fortify” by stifling traffic to those who didn’t abide by the approved GroupThink.
Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila, discovered the method by which YouTube “tanked” traffic to both their channels.