Red state

Flag Guy Has a Marvelous Wake-Up Call for UCLA Encampment Protesters – RedState

We’ve seen a lot of unhinged behavior from the leftists who are occupying various universities across the country demanding that they divest from anything connected to Israel. So far they don’t seem to have any success in getting any university to fold to their demands and the universities have no power over any ceasefires in Gaza, so it’s a fairly pointless narcissistic exercise — like most leftist protest endeavors. 

But some folks aren’t taking this “movement” quietly and they’re standing in the breach, and in some cases, right in the eye of the storm. One of those people is a guy known as “The Flag Guy,” aka @TheFlagGuy, who has made a point of going to colleges with protests and waving an Israeli and American flag. Given the nuttiness that we’ve seen, you have to think that’s a truly brave action to take in the leftist climate on campuses today. While he’s gotten some angry…

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